New flyovers, bridges in JNNURM phase-II
July 29, 2013
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Anjaya Anparthi, TNN Jul 28, 2013,

NAGPUR: The city may hope for new flyovers, bridges and railway overbridges (RoB) as the central government has asked the state government to send developmental project plans under its ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) phase-II. The Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) has already sent a letter requesting the state government to consider the pending plans of one flyover and RoB each and two bridges. The Centre has also asked the state to drop the Maskasath RoB from phase-I and submit the revised plan in phase-II.
The Congress-led central and state governments have been giving approval to developmental projects for the city. But the BJP-led ruling alliance in NMC is time and again slamming the state. Under JNNURM phase-I, the Centre has approved 19 projects for the city with a project cost of Rs1,581.23 crore. Besides, the Centre has also approved projects worth Rs327.29 crore under basic services for urban poor (BSUP) scheme under JNNURM phase-I.

As reported by TOI on July 16, the state had put in all its efforts to convince the union ministry of urban development (MoUD) to continue the projects sanctioned under JNNURM phase-I. Minutes of the meeting held on July 10 to decide the fate of slow-moving and other delayed projects were released a couple of days ago. The state had assured to complete the remaining projects in given deadline.
In the same meeting, the MoUD asked the state to drop Maskasath RoB from phase-I and submit a revised plan in phase-II. The state accepted the MoUD’s suggestion. Maskasath RoB was approved on January 22, 2007. The NMC has completed only 10% work till date, citing reasons of delay from the railways for approval. Still the NMC was criticizing the state government for delay.
The MoUD has asked all the states to submit new proposals for JNNURM phase-II. Municipal commissioner Shyam Wardhane sent a letter dated July 19 to the government requesting to consider the pending projects. “Hope for positive results as government always considered the NMC’s projects.”
NMC got approval of four RoBs in phase-I, including Ram Jhula, Kalamna, Mangalwari and Itwari with two remaining to be completed. Besides, the civic body also got approval of railway under bridge at Anand Talkies which has been completed.
NMC also submitted plans of Sadar flyover, RoB at Mominpura near Kadbi Chowk and three bridges on Nag River at Yashwant Stadium, Gangabai Ghat and Juni Shukrawari. But NMC did not get approval for these projects as water supply and sewage projects were taken up on priority. NMC started to construct a bridge on Nag River at Juni Shukrawari. The other pending projects may come up if approved by the Centre under phase-II.
Now, the NMC has also prepared plans to construct a flyover at Pardi and railway overbridge at Manish Nagar. The two proposals may also be submitted under JNNURM phase-II. Already, the civic body has submitted sewage scheme with an estimated cost of Rs1,328 crore under phase-II.