E-rickshaws involved in 36 accidents this year, traffic cops tell Delhi HC
July 31, 2014
Hindustan Times (Delhi)
Soibam Rocky Singh
NEW DELHI: Seeking to rein in and regulate e-rickshaws plying in the city, the Delhi Traffic Police on Wednesday informed the high court that the battery-powered vehicles had been involved in more than 36 accidents this year alone. Two passengers had lost their lives.
Till June 2014, a total of 137 cases had been registered against e-rickshaw drivers for rash and negligent driving.
Raising serious concer n, the Delhi traffic police said the passengers of e-rickshaws are not insured for injury or death as these vehicles do not carry insurance. This effectively curbs the passengers of these battery-powered vehicles against claiming any compensation from insurance companies in case of a mishap.
The matter becomes complicated as the operation of e-rickshaws is not regulated under the Motor Vehicle Act, because of which the police are unable to prosecute them. The traffic police claimed the unregulated plying of these vehicles often caused traffic problems and were a cause of nuisance on the roads.
“A large number of e-rickshaws are operating all over Delhi without registration and are being driven by people without proper licences. The drivers are not subjected to any background verification which is mandatory for all other public service vehicles operating in the state,” the traffic police said in its affidavit.
The traffic police said the battery-operated rickshaws should be properly registered in accordance to the Motor Vehicles Act and there should be a zoning system and colour coding for streamlining their operation.
It quoted The Energy and Resources Institute study that conclusively established that the wattage and speed of the e-rickshaws qualify them to be a motor vehicle.
“Any further assembly or production of e-rickshaws should be strictly prohibited till a regulatory mechanism is put in place,” the traffic police said.
It added that they should not be allowed to operate on arterial roads as their speed did not match that of other vehicles. Their operation should be restricted to feeder service as a mean of ‘last-mile connectivity’, the traffic police said. The HC is likely to hear the traffic police suggestions on Thursday.
Water Flooding At Hero Honda Chowk (Commuter Issues )
July 28, 2014
Courtsey / Source :
Daljit Singh Khokhar
Techno-Socio Activist
28/7 Urban Estate
Gurgaon 122001
Mob 9313882957
One pedestrian killed every week in 2013 in Kochi
December 10, 2013
Gireesh P Krishnan,TNN
KOCHI: This certainly is a dubious record that should make the traffic police squirm: In 2013, one person has been killed every week while trying to cross the city streets. In other words, five pedestrians lost their lives every month in 2013 till November with senior citizens accounting for a majority of the casualties.
The number has gone up despite the police and motor vehicles department (MVD) carrying out regular inspections at various places to reign in speeding and negligent driving.
As per the data available with the police, 59 pedestrians died on the city roads up to November this year compared with 49 deaths in 2012. However, pedestrian deaths were really high in 2011 with 72 citizens losing their lives in road accidents.
This year, in the month of November alone 11 pedestrians died after being hit by vehicles on city roads. According to police, majority of pedestrian deaths occurred on National Highway 47.According to police, despite repeated requests the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) has not taken any steps to provide zebra crossings for pedestrians on NH. “With pedestrian deaths increasing, we had requested the NHAI and authorities to provide zebra crossings and erect barricades. But there was no response,” said P P Shams, assistant commissioner, traffic west. He added even the road safety council had asked the NHAI to provide zebra lines and erect barricades on the median.
Strikingly, most of the pedestrians killed in accidents this year were aged 50 and above. As per the data, over 30 pedestrians aged 50 and above were killed on city roads this year so far.
“It’s a matter of concern that most those who died in road accidents are aged people. Accidents happen mainly during evening hours. Lack of sufficient light could be a cause as people may not get a clear view of approaching vehicles,” he said. Meanwhile, the NHAI said that zebra crossings alone would not help to address the issue. “Along with zebra crossings, signalling systems should also be provided for pedestrians to cross,” said C T Abraham, project director, NHAI.
Abraham further said that erecting barricades on the median will not be of much use as they are removed by the public periodically at Vyttila Junction.
“In order to enable pedestrians to safely cross roads, foot overbridges are required. The NHAI has already approved five foot overbridges at important junctions, including Vyttila,” said Abraham, adding that the construction of the bridges was likely to start in five or six months.
Mis management of L&T IDPL Toll booth udwariya sirohi rajasthan- Complaint from Mr. Mahendra Gehlot Visitor to Indian Tollways site-
November 25, 2013
From: mahendra gehlot
Subject: regarding mis management of L&T IDPL toll booth udwariya sirohi rajasthan
Message Body:
there office have no any register of complaint
mis management of staff
many other thing
Close ducts on highway bridges, says NHAI report
November 20, 2013
Committee recommends complete closure of all gaps following ad executives’ fatal accident
Pune Mirror Bureau
A consultants’ committee of the National Highway Authority of India (NHAI) have recommended that all ducts of bridges on the Pune-Bangalore Highway should be completely closed. The report comes after the recent, tragic accident in which four advertising professionals lost their lives. In their safety audit report, submitted to the NHAI on Monday, the committee recommended that all similar ducts should be closed and barricaded to avoid mishaps. The car carrying Pranav Lele, Sahil Qureshi, Shrutika Chandwani and Chintan Buch fell into the river Neera at Sarola, around 50 km from the city, on the Pune-Bangalore highway. The car fell through a 15-foot gap between two bridges after hitting a road divider, and sank into the river. The accident raised several questions over security and the lack of concrete walls or crash barriers at the end of the bridge in Bhor taluka which separates Pune district from Satara. Earlier, there was only a two-lane bridge over the highway; a second adjoining bridge was constructed a few years ago. NHAI officials intend to share the report with the highway police for further discussions on the subject and will seek their feedback. A meeting of senior NHAI officials, the highway police and other stakeholders will also be held to chalk out a safety roadmap. “The consultants have recommended that the duct near Neera Bridge where the accident occurred, should be closed. The report also suggests that all such ducts on the highway should be barricaded, to avoid such incidents. All these recommendations will be sent to the NHAI’s headquarters in Delhi for final approval. Once this is done, and the required funds have been procured, the work will start,” said a senior NHAI official on condition of anonymity. |
Protesters throng IUML office, waylay minister over widening of highway
November 19, 2013
KA Antony
KOZHIKODE -Hundreds of people, including women and children, from Ponnani taluk in Malappuram district, claiming to be the victims of land acquisition for the expansion of National Highway (NH) 47, on Sunday blocked Minister for Public Works VK Ibrahim Kunju in front of the League House in Kozhikode where the minister had come to attend the state secretariat meeting of the Indian Union Muslim League (IUML).
The protesters entered into the League House premises shouting slogans as the meeting was about to commence.
They blocked the way of the minister from entering into the League House alleging that the IUML and its ministers were not taking any steps to stall the eviction of people from the area in the name of highway widening.
The incident led to skirmishes between the protesters and the IUML activists. Though, Industries Minister PK Kunjalikutty tried to pacify the protesters, they were not in a mood to listen to him in the beginning and this made the minister angry. Kunjalikutty told the protesters that the IUML cannot be cowed down by such actions.
“If you are doing this for getting coverage on visual media, go ahead. But, don’t think that we will be scared by such actions. This is the office of the IUML and don’t think you can come here and indulge in agitations. I have told you that the party will discuss the concerns raised by you. But, if you are not listening to us, then don’t think that you can hold us for ransom,” he told them without mincing words.
IUML national secretary ET Mohammed Basheer later said that holding protests in front of the office of a political organisation would set a ‘wrong precedent’ in the state. On the claims that the people assembled there were IUML activists, Basheer said the party would investigate the issue and take suitable action.
The protesters said that they did not come to the League House for staging any agitation but to bring into the notice of the IUML leadership the plight of victims who are set to lose their land and dwellings.
Sunita Narain: Come out and claim the road
November 15, 2013
We have built city roads only for cars to move. Cars rule the road

I write this column from my bed, recovering from an accident that broke my bones. I was hit by a speeding car while cycling. The driver fled the scene of the accident in the car, leaving me bleeding on the road. This is what happens again and again, in every city of our country, on every road – as we plan without care for the safety of pedestrians and cyclists. These are the invisible users. They die doing nothing more than the most ordinary thing like crossing a road. I was more fortunate. Two cars stopped, and strangers helped me and took me to the hospital. I received treatment. I will be back, fighting fit.
And this is one battle that needs our combined attention. We cannot lose the space to walk and cycle. Since my accident, relatives and friends have berated me for being so reckless as to cycle on Delhi’s roads. They are right. We have built city roads only for cars to move. Cars rule the road. There are no dedicated lanes for cycles; there are no sidewalks. The little stretches that do exist are either dirty or taken over by parked cars. Roads are for cars. The rest don’t matter.
But cycling and walking are difficult not just because of poor planning. It is also because of the mindset that only those who move in a car have status and road rights. Anyone who walks or cycles is considered poor, wretched and destined to be marginalised, if not obliterated.
This is what must change. We have no option but to reinvent mobility, as I keep repeating. Toxic smog in Delhi recently reached a new peak. Last month, the World Health Organisation declared air pollutants a human carcinogen. We must realise that this pollution is not acceptable. It is killing us, and no longer softly or slowly. But if we are serious about combatting air pollution, we have no option but to think about restraining the growth of cars. Learn how to move people, not cars.
When the Centre for Science and Environment began its campaign against air pollution in the mid-1990s, it did everything conventional. It pushed to improve the quality of fuel; improve emission standards of vehicles; and to put the inspection and maintenance systems for checking tailpipe emissions in place. It also pushed a leapfrog solution: the transition to compressed natural gas (CNG) for grossly polluting vehicles such as diesel buses and two-stroke autorickshaws. That made a difference. There is no doubt that the quality of air would have been even worse, even more deadly, without these steps.
But this is not good enough. Pollution levels are rising again, inexorably and inevitably. All research points to one cause and one big solution: building transport systems differently. We also have the option of doing this. We still haven’t motorised; nor have we built every flyover or four-lane road. Most importantly, much of India still takes the bus, walks or cycles – in many cites as much as 20 per cent of the population bikes. We do this because we are poor. Now the challenge is to reinvent city planning so that we can do this as we become rich.
For the past few years, this is exactly what we have been working on – how to bring back integrated and safe public transport options to our cites, so that even if we own a car, we don’t have to drive it.
But the keyword is integration. We can build a metro or get new buses, but if we do not have last-mile connectivity, then it will still not work. It has to be seamless and effortless. This is why we need to think differently.
This is where we are failing. Today there is talk of transport, cycling and pedestrians’ needs. But it is empty talk. Every time there is an attempt to convert a part of the road into a cycle track, the proposal is virulently opposed. The argument is that it cannot be done because it will take away space from cars and will add to congestion. But that is exactly what we need to do – reduce lanes for cars and add space for buses, cycles and pedestrians. This is the only way to get out of the ever-growing car bulge on roads.
This takes courage of conviction. On our overcrowded and chaotic roads, planning for cycle tracks and keeping sidewalks clean and clear will take lots of effort. I have absolutely no illusions that this will be easy to plan or to implement. But why should that deter us? The rest of the world has learnt successfully to rework road space so that it provides dignity and accessibility to cyclists and pedestrians. It has learnt to restrict space for cars and yet build extremely liveable cites.
Just think of the double bonus: getting rid of the most noxious source of pollution will result in clean air; and having the option to get some exercise while commuting will mean healthy bodies.
This is what we have to fight for. And we will. I hope all of you will join us in making the right to cycle and walk with safety non-negotiable.
PS: To the strangers who took me to the hospital and to the extraordinary doctors at the AIIMS trauma centre who saved my life, thank you.
Potholes make drive on this stretch nightmarish
November 14, 2013
Prakash Samaga, TNN |
Council in limbo, citizens fume over bad roads
November 13, 2013
Stanley Pinto, TNN |
Physician Dr Kakkilaya wonders why there were elections to the city corporation at all. “It has been eight months and we are yet to get a mayor and the local body governing. It is indeed surprising that the political party, now at the helm both at the state government and at the city corporation, has not taken any interest in resolving the issue, apparently arising out of bickering within its own ranks,” says the physician. Without mayor, all development and even maintenance works within the city seem to have been stalled.
The Tulunadu Rakshana Vedike on Monday took out a protest demanding immediate repairs and asphalt to the Kulshekar-Shakthi Nagar road.
Arun Kumar, president of the vedike, observes that many vehicles have met with accidents. Vehicles hitting pedestrians or going off the road while avoiding potholes are common.
Dr Kakkilaya notes in the absence of an approved budget for an entire year, it is impossible to know the flow of money into and out of the corporation’s coffers. “The only decision that seems to have been taken, and a dubious one at that, is the re-appointment of the retired health officer, who was under suspension for some time during his last tenure. If that is any pointer, then nothing much can be expected, even if a new mayor were to take office in the near future,” he adds.
Neil Rodrigues, senior project manager at Infosys, also chairman of Mangalore Round Table, points out that Kodialguth East road is in a deplorable condition. “With no proper garbage clearance system in place, residents have converted an empty plot into a dumping yard,” Neil said.
But in some cases, the corporators seem to respond despite not being inducted into council officially.
Ruchir Agarwal of Shivbagh says things were in a bad shape with weeds growing all over. “Corporator Sabitha responded to my call promptly and started the work of grass cutting which is almost complete as of now,” he says. However, he notes that there is garbage dumped indiscriminately on road sides by some people which needs to be cleared up.
Raids by transport officials reveal half the buses flout norms
November 5, 2013
First among the violations is that most of the private bus operators, who took contract carriage permit, completely violate the norm. According to the contract carriage permit, the operator should transport a group of passengers from one stage to a fixed destination without allowing any passengers in and out of the bus in the middle of journey between the starting and ending points. But, a majority of the bus operators pick up the passengers for filling up vacant seats.
Similarly, about 50 per cent buses operated to various parts from Tirupati do not have the prescribed mechanical condition and other tools like fire extinguishers. The norm of the presence of two drivers in long journey buses, more or less remained on the RTA rule books as no private bus plying between Tirupati and Hyderabad having such a facility.
“Hardly it takes 10 hours for reaching Hyderabad from Tirupati and we don’t think there is a need for additional driver,” said a private bus operator on the condition of anonymity.
When asked a transport department official over the violation of the norms by private bus operators, he said that they are limited to converting crime into revenue. “Following the mishap in Mahbubnagar district, we swung into action and are levying fine on private bus operators for flouting norms, which is nothing but using such incidents as a source of revenue generation.”
Saying that unlike the forest and excise Acts, the Motor Vehicle Atc (MV Act) does not have authority to confiscate the vehicles flouting norms, he added that as per the MV Act they are only permitted to seize a vehicle for violation and will have to release the same after collecting some money in the form of fine. But, in case of the forest and excise Acts, the question of releasing the seized vehicles will not arise, he said and sought such ruling in the MV Act. As the Volvo bus will will cost at least Rs one crore, no owner will dare to violate the prescribed norm as they don’t want to loose their vehicle, he observed.
Though, it is not at all a financial burden to place fire extinguishers and hammers in side the bus, which are required tools in case of emergency, the operators adopt negligent attitude due to lack of serious punishment, said another official.
Admitting that the transport department is not in a stage to take up drives at regular intervals, the officials attributed it to the staff crunch. As we have to deal with office work like issuing licenses, registrations and other tasks, we are only limited to take such drives only on some occasions, they said.
When contacted the Tirupati regional transport officer (RTO) MSSB Prasad, he said that about 50 per cent of buses do not have required conditions as well as flouting the norms. Particularly, on weekends, private bus operators are plying unconditioned buses. To cash the passengers rush on these days, they are bringing up the substandard buses on to the roads playing havoc with the passengers lives, he said.
Stating that they are taking up raids on the private buses time to time, he said that they are going to organise an awareness meeting soon to drivers of private buses.
On the lines of flights, where the air-hostess explains the passengers about the emergency exits and availability of balloons and parachutes, the bus drivers should also explain the passengers about the emergency windows, hammers and how to use them during emergency before starting journey, he said adding that the proposed awareness meet is aimed to deal with such issues.