An engine that will help vehicles, humans breathe easy
September 9, 2014
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: Thrissur-based septuagenarian inventor K.U. Varunny, who has nine patents in his name, including two U.S. patents, has made it again. This time with a vehicle engine that always runs at a constant speed.
He claims the engine will reduce air pollution caused by vehicles by 75 per cent.
“Pollution by vehicles is a serious problem today. The maximum pollution is caused when the engine runs in slow speed range, and also during high speed range beyond the maximum torque level. The situation gets worse when the engine is accelerated or decelerated, during which period it is practically impossible for the engine to inhale the correct quantity of air in spite of the modern computer controls,” says the 79-year-old engineer.
The new concept developed by Mr. Varunny is an engine, which keeps running at constant speed, at its maximum torque level, normally at about 60 per cent of the highest speed, where in the combustion efficiency is at the maximum.
The required output speed is achieved by adjusting the output speed of a ‘Planetary gear train’ connected to the engine.
The accelerator pedal at present connected to the carburetor/fuel pump will be replaced, and connected to the fluid delivery valve of a hydraulic pump driven by the sun gear.
The system enables the engine to always operate at its best performance level, maintaining the exact air fuel ratio and cut down the pollution by about 75 per cent.
Mr. Varunny, who had developed anti-glare system for heavy vehicles and Automobile Power Transmission system, has entered twice into the Limca Book of Records.